Nilearn 0.7.0 release


We just released nilearn 0.7.0! You can get it through pip: $ pip install nilearn.

This new release fixes some bugs and adds a bunch of new functionalities, among which:

  • Nilearn now includes the functionality of Nistats. This module is experimental, hence subject to change in any future release.

  • New Decoder objects implement a model selection scheme that averages the best models within a cross validation loop.

  • New FREM objects extend the Decoder object with one fast clustering step at the beginning and aggregates a high number of estimators trained on various splits of the training set.

  • New plotting functions:

    • plot_event to visualize events file.
    • plot_roi can now plot ROIs in contours with view_type argument.
    • plot_carpet generates a “carpet plot” (also known as a “Power plot” or a “grayplot”).
    • plot_img_on_surf generates multiple views of plot_surf_stat_map in a single figure.
    • plot_markers shows network nodes (markers) on a glass brain template.
    • plot_surf_contours plots the contours of regions of interest on the surface.