About me

I am currently a research engineer at the Inria Paris center, in France. I belong to the Service Experimentation and Development, a service dedicated to providing technical support to the research teams of the institute.

One component of this support is a direct involvement in the engineering projects of research teams. Another component is a constant technological watch and experimentation in order to keep cutting-edge tooling and best practices in the research teams. To that end, I organize regular training sessions for researchers, engineers, or PhD students.

Since february 2022, I am working mostly in the ARAMIS team located at the Paris Brain Institute. Part of my work is dedicated to leading open source projects of the team, like Clinica, ClinicaDL, or Leaspy.

Before joining the Paris center, I was a research engineer in the PARIETAL team at the Saclay center of Inria. I was mainly working on developping and maintaining neuro-science and machine learning softwares like Nilearn.

I have a strong interest in open source projects, you can find more details on my contributions through my GitHub profile.

Prior positions

Before joining Inria, I was a postdoctoral reasearcher in the Complex Networks team, at the computer science laboratory of Paris 6 (LIP6) from December 2018 to October 2020. My research work at LIP6 was focused on designing methods for the automatic detection of anomalies in large sequences of interactions. The main applications of this work are related to fraud detection in financial transactions. During that time, I was also teaching computer science and networking at the Paris 6 University.

Before working at LIP6, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Power Systems Design and Studies group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, USA from March 2017 to November 2018. The purpose of this group is to study how power distribution systems can sustain the increasing penetration of renewable energy resources. Within this group, I was mainly working on creating and implementing optimization methods to solve large scale problems such as distribution planning or hosting capacity analysis.

PhD thesis and resume

I obtained my PhD in October 2016, at Telecom SudParis, Saclay, France. My PhD work was focused on modeling and optimizing smart power grid systems. For more details, you can find my PhD thesis here.

During my PhD I was teaching at the Paris 6 University various courses from networking to algorithmic.

You can find more details in my CV